(Family Dinner - 2nd place 2013 spring show)
Three years ago Ramsey came back to what he loved to do: painting in acrylics and drawing in pencil and ink. He was a member of the Cheyenne (Wyo.) Artists Guild and exhibited in their monthly shows. Then upon moving to Sidney a couple of years ago he became a member of the Cheyenne County Art Guild. "I was totally amazed at the amount of talent in Sidney as seen in the CCAG," he said. "I feel lucky to be amongst that much talent." And Ramsey has added his talent to the mix and last year won First Place in Acrylics at the CCAG Spring Show and this year won Second Place in Pencil and in Acrylics.
(Lookin' For Love 2nd place 2013 spring show.)
He continues to study and apply ideas and things he has learned to his artwork. He has been inspired and appreciates the artwork by Disney and Van Gogh, the drawings of DaVinci, and the details and concepts created by the Brothers Hildebrandt whose work has been seen in the original Star Wars movie posters and JRR Tolkian Lord of the Rings calendars. With such artists for inspiration Ramsey is sure to have fun and keep busy with his new goal--Ramsey related, "I am wanting to "break out of my (artistic) box a little bit and try to use more color in my paintings and possibly do more expressionistic work." He eventually would like to have his artwork in the open market and exhibit in galleries, too.
On his way to artistic excellence and his goals Ramsey is thankful for his parent's encouragement and guidance and remembers the interest and talent his dad had for drawing. Following in his father's footsteps Ramsey encouraged his own children and is proud that his son, daughter, and daughter-in-law all have Bachelors in Fine Arts degrees and all three work in art for personal enjoyment and for their jobs.
(The Moment)
(Life's Reflections)