
Welcome to the Cheyenne County Art guild blog page. The CCAG has been promoting art and artists for over 40 years. We hope this blog will not only provide information, but be a center for discussion and idea sharing.

Stop back often - see what's new in the world of art in the panhandle of Nebraska and beyond.

Special Note: Please do not steal. All artwork on this blog is copyrighted and is the exclusive property of the artist. If you see something you like and would like to contact the artist, email Sheila Phelps blog-manager: sheilaphelps59@gmail.com

Friday, November 8, 2013

Chuck Borcher: Artist of the Month ~ Oct/Nov

The Cheyenne County Art Guild has selected Chuck Borcher as the October/November Artist of the Month.  Chuck began drawing and painting while in grade school.  Throughout his life, Borcher has always maintained a love for creating works of art.  Even when college and career choices--Engineering and Computer Science--led him in other directions, he has dedicated much of his free time to drawing painting and photography.

Borcher's artwork and photographs have won many awards including several Best of Shows, Association of Nebraska Art Clubs awards, and People's Choice Awards.  His love of photography has led to a lucrative secondary career that he likes to call his working summer vacations.  Over the years he has been selected three times as the official photographer of the Nebraska High School Rodeo Association Finals Rodeo.  He has also served as photographer for the Wyoming Professional Rodeo Association, the Colorado Professional Rodeo Association, and the Nebraska State Rodeo Association.  

"Getting to mix my love for rodeo with my love for painting makes a very enjoyable and rewarding experience," Borcher stated. "With my photography I get to add another aspect to the creative mix."  On display through Monday, November 11th are thirteen photographs--one at the Sidney Public Library and twelve at the Cheyenne County Community Center.  The public is encouraged to view these fine photographs by Chuck Borcher, CCAG President.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Paul Adkinson: Artist of the Month ~ Sept/Oct

Imagination plays a big part in his paintings, collages, and photography. He will see or read something or someone will say something that will spark an idea for a painting or an altered photographic artwork.  His artwork evokes emotion in viewers and helps them remember events and good times.  Adkinson states, "Art should give the viewer a sense of feeling." He believes that people "should experience the sense of imagination, beauty, wonder, and feeling that went into the creative process of an artwork, no matter the medium or the subject."

Adkinson's artwork has been displayed at the Governor's Mansion in Lincoln; the American Art Association Regional Invitational Exhibit in Denver; the Artel State Show in Omaha; the Art and Gift Gallery in North Platte; and the Nebraska Gallery  in Bayard; to name a few. 

His artwork has also won many awards including the Museum of Nebraska Art's Purchase Award at the 2009 Association of Nebraska Art clubs' conference.  He has won Best of Show and many other awards including the People's Choice Award at the CCAG Spring Show, several Honorable Mentions at the annual ANAC conferences, Grand Champions at the Cheyenne County Fair, and the Audrey Towater Award for Colored Photography at the West Nebraska Arts Center's 2007 Photography Competition in Scottsbluff.

He is a charter member of the Cheyenne County Art Guild and has served as an officer and on many committees throughout the years.  Adkinson is a role model to many in the guild for many reasons--one of which is by continuing his pursuit in striving to improve his artwork by taking workshops, studying, and painting on a regular basis.  Also, he is always optimistic and encourages others in their artistic endeavors.